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Student Guidelines



The following guidelines have been prepared to assist the students and parents in understanding what is expected at school.  It is intended that the parents and students be aware of these guidelines.  The Henry County Public Schools Code of Conduct, included in this student planner, provides more in-depth information.  If at any time these documents do not answer your specific questions, please contact the school for further information at (276) 629-5301.

Absences, Tardiness and Early Dismissals  
1.  Parents should inform school personnel at (276) 629-5301 when their child will be absent from school.  This may prevent having to call parents at work to confirm the absence of their child.  A note should accompany the students when they return explaining the reason for the absence.  Failure to send a note will result in your child being considered unexcused.  Vacations are not considered an excused absence; however, students will be allowed to make up the work in a reasonable amount of time after they return.   It is the student’s responsibility to ask for the work that was missed.  No work will be available prior to the vacation as this puts an additional burden on the teacher involved.
2. When students arrive at school and are not in the classroom ready to begin instruction at 7:55 AM, they will be considered tardy.  A tardy slip is required for the student to be admitted to class.  Tardy slips will be given to students in the car rider line between 7:55 AM and 8:00 AM.  After 8:00 AM the parent must accompany his/her child to the office.  (Five tardies will result in one absence as it relates to the perfect or outstanding attendance award given at the end of the year.) 
3. Proper identification is required for all early dismissals.  When it is necessary for students to be dismissed from school before 2:40 PM a note should be sent to school.  This provides the teacher time to ensure the student has the assignments for the next day.  When students are dismissed early without prior notification, it disrupts the instructional program for all students in that classroom.  The school personnel will call the student(s) to the office.  Please do not go to the classroom as this becomes a safety issue.  Individuals coming after 2:30 must wait until after the buses have left the grounds. This is a safety concern and must be followed.
4. If anyone other than the student's parents and/or guardian comes to pick up a child, a note must accompany them indicating permission to be released.  Proper identification is required.   
5. The bus loading area is a state highway and the same state laws apply.  It is illegal to pass a school bus in this area.  No car is allowed in this area between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM and between 2:30 PM and 3:00 pm.    During this time, parents must pick up or drop off their child at the appropriate pick-up area, not in the bus zone.  If it is necessary to come in the building during this time, parking is provided in the lower parking lot at the mobile units.  Please use this area during these specific times.  The safety of all the students is the priority not the convenience of adults.

Address/Telephone Changes
Notify the school if there are any changes in the telephone number and/or address.  This information is critical in cases of emergencies.  If there is no telephone, ask a neighbor or relative to be the contact person for you in case your child should have an emergency.

Building Rules
1. The school building will be open for students at 7:30 AM.  No child is to be dropped off and/or enter the building until the 7:30 AM bell has rung.  All students are to go directly to breakfast in their classroom.  Students in grades two and three will go directly to the cafeteria for breakfast or the classroom with the exception of kindergarten students   Bells will ring when breakfast is over and again when students are to be in the classroom.
2. All students are to be in the room at 8:05 AM ready to begin instruction at this time.  Students are not to visit any classrooms without written permission from their teacher between 7:30 AM and 8:05 AM.  The moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance will begin each day at 8:00 AM.
3. All students not involved in a supervised school sponsored activity are to leave the building by 2:45 PM.  Once students are dismissed, they are not to return to the building.  Only students who have valid reasons for returning may do so.  No individual is to be in any classroom without permission or supervision.

Bus Rules
1. Students are expected to exhibit three positive behaviors on the bus while being transported which includes field trips - sit down, put book bag on laps, and keep hands to themselves.
2. The bus driver is in full charge of his/her bus at all times.  Continued disobedience to the bus driver’s requests may result in the suspension of your privilege to ride the bus to and from school.
3. All buses are equipped with video recorders.  At the discretion of the bus driver and/or administration, a tape may be viewed.  This is to ensure the safety of all students riding the bus. 

Care of School Property
1. Students are responsible for taking care of all books, materials, and equipment that are issued to them.  If lost or damaged, the student must pay for the replacement or repair.  If the book is found, please return it and the money will be refunded.
2.  Any student, who vandalizes school property, including buses, must pay either for the damage or for repair of the damaged property.
3.  Students should keep the inside and outside of the building and surrounding areas as neat and as clean as possible.  The tidiness and appearance of the school building during the day depends on the cooperative effort of students and staff members.  Students should keep their individual desks neat and clean.

Dress Items and Grooming
1. Students are expected to come to school clean with neat and suitable attire that does not distract others. Pants, which do not fit on a student's waist, will be tightened with a string unless a belt is available.  Not only is this inappropriate, but it also causes a safety hazard when the student must use one hand for pants when running or playing.  Please be aware of the clothing your child is wearing to school.  At no time should underwear be exposed.
2. Shirts with inappropriate or suggestive language are not appropriate and the student will be asked to turn the shirt inside/out or another shirt will be provided.
3. Clothing which reveals the mid-section of the body or shorts that are too short are inappropriate.  Students will be asked to contact his/her home for a change of clothes or a shirt will be provided. 
4. Shoes are required at all times on school property.  The appropriateness and safety of certain types of shoes should be considered.  Students will not be allowed to play on the playground or participate in physical education while wearing flip-flops.  Flip-flops are highly discouraged because of safety reasons.

Field Trips
1. Each grade level has the opportunity to take one field trip per year, which may be outside of the county.  School buses will be used for these trips and must be taken during the school day, 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM.
2. The number of buses for each trip will be determined by the number of students in the grade level.  The number of chaperones will be determined by the grade level teachers.
3. Parents who want to be chaperones must have a criminal check.  The criminal check must be acquired by December. 
4. When on a field trip students are to ride to and from the destination on the bus.
5. Under no circumstances shall personal vehicles follow the school bus or meet the group at the destination.  If a parent chooses to go instead, he/she will not be included in the group’s activities.

Inclement Weather
1. The decision for closing schools or starting late is the decision of the Division Superintendent.
2. In the event that schools will be closed or starting late, the decision is made by 6:00 AM when at all possible.  This information is generally on the local and surrounding radio and television stations.  
3. At times schools have to dismiss early.  In these cases, elementary students will be the first to be dismissed.  This information will be on the radio and television as soon as the decision is made.  Please limit any calls to emergencies.  It is important that the lines stay open.
4. Special arrangements need to be set ahead of time should the school have to close early.  Students need to know what they are to do in these cases.

Loading and Unloading of Students/Changes in Transportation
1. Students riding the school bus will be unloaded in the bus zone area after 7:30 AM and will be loaded in the same area at 2:40 PM.  No vehicles are allowed in the bus zone between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM and 2:15 PM and 3:00 PM.
2. Students who are car riders are to be unloaded in the designated area between - 7:30 AM to 8:00 AM.  Tardy slips will be issued at this door between 7:55 AM and 8:00 AM
3. Students arriving after 8:00AM should park in the front lot.  The adult driver is to escort the student(s) to the office to sign in.  Please do not drop students off and leave. Students will receive a tardy admit slip in order for the teacher to admit them to class.  Excessive tardiness may affect the student’s attendance awards at the end of the school year.
4. Proper identification is required for all early dismissals.  When it is necessary for students to be dismissed from school before 2:40 PM a note should be sent to school.  This provides the teacher time to ensure the student has the assignments for the next day.  When students are dismissed early without prior notification, it disrupts the instructional program for all students in that classroom.  The school personnel will call the student(s) to the office.  Please do not go to the classroom as this becomes a safety issue.  Individuals coming after 2:30 must wait until after the buses have left the grounds. This
is a safety concern and must be followed 
5. In the event, a child must ride a different bus or be a car rider, a note indicating this change should be given to the child before coming to school.  This note should be brought to the office to receive a bus/car pass. In cases of emergencies an not may not be required.  Should a change in transportation be necessary, the child will get the pass at one time a day, approximately 2:00 PM.  Unnecessary interruptions to the classroom must be avoided, please plan ahead to avoid these situations.  

 Visitors and Other Persons 
1. The front parking lot should be used when visiting the school.  Individuals should report to the office to sign in and receive proper identification. This is necessary to ensure the safety of the students and school personnel.  
2. Upon leaving the school, individuals are asked to sign out and return identification tags.
3. Adults and other persons coming to lunch should sign in and wait in the office until the appropriate time.  Do not wait outside the classroom door.
4. Adults are not to go directly to the classroom at anytime without identification and permission from the administration.  The safety of all students is the major priority.

Lunch Program
1. Breakfast is free to all students.  The cost of lunch is $1.10 – paid, $.40 reduced and adult lunch $1.85.  Milk is provided for $ .30.  
2. Money for lunch can be added to a student’s account at anytime and for any amount.  The computer will keep up with the number of lunches and breakfasts the students have purchased.
3. Breakfast will be served in the homeroom between 7:30 AM and 7:50 AM.  All second and third grade students are to go directly to the cafeteria for breakfast.  The homeroom teacher will dismiss from the cafeteria.  
4. Money can be borrowed only for lunch – no extras.   

Health Issues and Medication
1. Students should not come to school with a fever and/or a contagious sore or rash.  Contact the school if your child is going to be absent.   If a child gets sick or has an accident at school, the student will be sent or accompanied to the office.  Office personnel will determine if the parents need to be called.  In the event the parent can not be reached; an alternate person to contact must be provided by the parent.
2. School personnel, including the nurse, are not allowed to give any prescription medication without the written permission of the parent and the physician in charge.  (Forms are available in the office for this purpose.)  With the permission of the parent, nonprescription drugs – which include Tylenol, cough drops and topical creams, can be given to your child as indicated.  Students are not to have any medication with them at school at any time.  All medication is to be kept in the office.  Please do not send medication to school by the student.  An adult should bring the medication directly to the office.
3. The school nurse is scheduled approximately 2 days per week.  She is available for consultation as needed.
4. Students will be checked for head lice at the beginning of the school year and as necessary.  Information will be sent home as needed.  Please alert the school when you suspect your child may have head lice.  This prevents the spread among other children.  There is a “no nit” policy in Henry County.

Toys, Electronic Devices, and other Articles
1. Students are to bring only those items to school that are necessary to be prepared for learning.  There is no need for ink pens, magic markers, glue sticks, etc.  These will be provided by the school.
2. All other items may only be brought with written permission of school personnel.
3. Items brought to school without permission from school personnel will be stored in the office until a parent comes to pick up the item.
4.  At no time should these items be out of the book bag on the bus.  They must stay in the book bag.
5. Please check your child’s book bag before he/she leaves each morning.